Saturday, April 23, 2011

Dane Paul Portrait in Clay- continued

After the demos in class, I brought the sculpture home and worked about 8 hours, two different days.  I focused on the features.  Blogging is a great way for me to see what I have done and to think about where I want to go with the sculpture because after working for hours on something, it is hard to see it.  After having a rest from it and looking at it in a photo and talking about it, it is easier to evaluate.  Here's where it is at this time.

Monday, April 18, 2011

DANE-week 5

The past few weeks I have been demonstrating different aspects of portrait anatomy in clay.  Most of the demonstrations have been about 15-20 minutes where I talk about the simple structure of the head, features and hair.  This is the sculpture as it left the classroom.  This clay is now in my studio, where I will work on it and finish it in the next few weeks.  Please check back to view the process.  I may slip in a few paintings as I go. 


These are photos from week two and three of sculpting the portrait of Dane.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Forest Painting with palette knife

This is a demonstration of palette knife painting.  The first step was a block-in with Dioxine purple capturing simple values.
Next, I started with the background and applied the paint with a combination of brush and knife , blending to make it soft edged. Notice the whites in the lights.  Normally I don't put whites in this early, but I wanted to do the background first because of all the trees and leaves in the foreground.  Also, it felt good.
 Then I painted  the darks of the tree trunks in the foreground and some golden colors to get the feel of the trees.
Added more darks of the foreground.  I wasn't happy with the background yellows so added more orange and I used my fingers to blend the back ground.  Notice the strokes in the road were smoothed out.  I could have gone either way with this, but chose to smooth out the brushstroke for variety.
This is  as far as I got in class.  I hope to finish it on Tuesday by detailing a few areas.  See you then.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Dane Paul Portrait in Clay

The sculpture class is really enjoying the model, Dane Paul. I am lecturing and demonstrating the portrait, while some of my advanced students are welcome to sculpt the full figure.
Here is day one of the portrait.  The focus is the skull as well as the neck and suggested shoulder area.
More photos to come.  Check back soon.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Chucks Garden, painting on location

Today was a beautiful and warm day today in Southern California so I took the opportunity to go out this morning and paint in a fellow artist's garden.  Chuck is not only a fine painter but a magnificent gardener.  Below is the painting I made of his garden.